What is the difference between a team and a group?

Group is just a group of people.

A team is made of people gathered together by one goal.

The team acts as one person. When, for some reason, a member of the team is absent, the rest of the team performs his functions continuing to pursue the goal. This can be compared with the human body: when, for example, one kidney stops functioning, its functions are performed by the other kidney and the rest of the body. The same is true for the brain.

The purpose of the Teambuilding coaching is to transform a group into a team wherever it is required using coaching models and tools.

For example, Teambuilding coaching can be very useful in business, sports, politics, and not only.

What is a coaching training session?

Training session is a seminar including: information, demonstration, exercises, and discussions. A training session is supposed to form a certain skill in the process of a particularly planned program offered to a group.

Types of Teambuilding coaching:

  1. Classical teambuilding coaching applies facilitation (speeding up of processes thanks to personal new awareness) and moderation (team/group processes’ control)
  2. Coaching training session
  3. Teambuilding
  4. Holding meetings

What is a coaching training session?

Coaching training session is prepared together with the participants applying the goals achievement model “GROW” where G – setting a goal, R – study of the reality, resources and restrictions, O – search for opportunities for the goal achievement, W – ways for the goals’ achievement. Then, the participants and the coach develop together a training program that is supposed to help a common goal achievement. The team motivation and the development of the ways to achieve a common goal constitute the results of such program. In this way a group turns into a team where the work will be more efficient. Personal efficiency and performance in general increase.

When a coaching training session is required?

  1. When it is necessary to turn a group into a team
  2. When it is required to quickly change the situation where the standard group preparation (of the staff) is no longer sufficient
  3. When one needs to get a general business vision from the team and develop a program for its implementation
  4. When it is necessary to reduce the resistance to company changes
  5. When it is necessary to increase the personnel’s commitment and individual interest in solving company assignments and problems

What are the benefits of a coaching training session?

  1. The group turns into a working and efficient team
  2. More clear understanding of goals and objectives
  3. More clear ways to achieve the goals and objectives set for the team
  4. People participate in a more creative way in the process of company goals achievement
  5. More flexible approach to solving problems comes up
  6. Responsibility is accepted by the team itself in contrast to control approach
  7. The team requires less control by the management of the company
  8. The company as a whole engages in self-learning and more autonomous

Teambuilding coaching will allow you to build an autonomous self-developing system from your company, which will release the time that was previously necessary to ensure processes’ control. It will increase the efficiency due to awareness and responsibilities undertaken by the team members.


It was John Whitmore who for the first time introduced the coaching style into the corporations’ management (see definition of the term “Coaching”). If the company manager possesses coaching management skills, then the management is also easier for him.

As a result of the corporate coaching introduction, everyone is the winner: key employees get awareness of the company prospects, clarity of movement directions, greater independence, and support of their own initiatives. The company Head gets loyal, interested, efficient associates.

As a result of the corporate coaching introduction the company profit increases. According to the data of International Coaching Federation, the coaching costs recovery is 5.3 to 1.